Many kinds of dancing bring me great joy. In particular, contra, English, morris, Scottish, and couple dancing each offer wonderful delights. It is my privilege and pleasure to teach and to share these delights with others.
This page links to more-detailed dance information, including Choreography, Biography, Big Themes, and Workshops. (see brief descriptions below -- click on left menu for direct access)
Some of this material primarily serves dance organizers, as they seek bio material for publicity blurbs, ideas for workshop topics, and references. Big Themes and Choreography, though, can be of interest to any curious dancers and callers.

Choreography - I have been composing new dances for decades. Many of my contra and English dances are widely used, and have been reprinted in multiple collections. There are also several morris dances, a couple of Scottish dances, and an Irish/English/American hybrid Ceili dance, Polkanella.
Only a few sample dances have been posted so far, but this page will grow as I gradually format and upload more dances. If you'd like to see a large number immediately, take a look at the book I co-authored with Jenny Beer, Key to the Cellar.
Biography - This page is not my life story, but a review of dance projects and calling/teaching highlights. The list is greatly trimmed, and still far-too-long – it was created to give event organizers easy access to information when they need to write blurbs for publicity.
Workshops - This page presents titles and blurbs from some of the most popular dance workshops I have led in recent years. These include Contras, English, Couples, Leaders, and even Morris.
Big Themes - For over 10 years, Scott (often in collaboration with Lisa Greenleaf) has been organizing "Big Themes" discussion sessions. These address the kinds of questions and challenges that crop-up consistently for dance groups. The sessions do not attempt to find "answers" to these recurring issues, but invite participants to share insights and experience that may help each other.
Frankly, it doesn't look very interesting when summarized in bullet points (as on the sample page) - the sessions themselves sparkle with lively energy, humorous anecdotes, and fresh ideas ... and are followed with rich one-on-one conversations.
Still, this sample provides a taste of the daily discussions as led by Scott and Lisa at Pinewoods (several years ago).
Only a few sample dances have been posted so far, but this page will grow as I gradually format and upload more dances. If you'd like to see a large number immediately, take a look at the book I co-authored with Jenny Beer, Key to the Cellar.
Biography - This page is not my life story, but a review of dance projects and calling/teaching highlights. The list is greatly trimmed, and still far-too-long – it was created to give event organizers easy access to information when they need to write blurbs for publicity.
Workshops - This page presents titles and blurbs from some of the most popular dance workshops I have led in recent years. These include Contras, English, Couples, Leaders, and even Morris.
Big Themes - For over 10 years, Scott (often in collaboration with Lisa Greenleaf) has been organizing "Big Themes" discussion sessions. These address the kinds of questions and challenges that crop-up consistently for dance groups. The sessions do not attempt to find "answers" to these recurring issues, but invite participants to share insights and experience that may help each other.
Frankly, it doesn't look very interesting when summarized in bullet points (as on the sample page) - the sessions themselves sparkle with lively energy, humorous anecdotes, and fresh ideas ... and are followed with rich one-on-one conversations.
Still, this sample provides a taste of the daily discussions as led by Scott and Lisa at Pinewoods (several years ago).